Day 1 Report

Was good. Not too brutal on the getting up in the morning thing, as 7:00am is when I get up to go to the gym. It was relatively easy to get up and get myself awake and alive in the morning, even with making a lunch (well, throwing some leftovers in foil and into a bag). I’m still not exactly sure how it’ll work for going to the gym in the morning as well, but we’ll see.

The people there were all nice and made me feel comfortable. There was a mini-tour and intro to people in other parts of the building, most of whose names I had forgotten by the time I was introduced to the next one. On the up shot, they will probably remember me now, so I won’t get funny looks wandering through the building.

After getting a feel for what was going on I jumped in, getting to know the system without messing things up too badly. There are a couple of very cool perl modules that I didn’t know about before that are tied to EmbPerl2 that bear some looking at all you perl junkies out there. They are DBIx::Recordset and Embperl::Form::Validate. I’ll go through ’em later, now I need to get my morning tea into a travel mug and head on out for day 2!