Sunday Morning Coming Down

Why is it that some people use products like Microsoft Office to write web pages? Oh sure, it’s easy, but does it display worth crap in any other browser? Course not! Who cares if your vital information is unreadable to 10% of the Internet?

Just got back from the gym, munching down my protein bar. I discovered they don’t taste nearly as good if they sit out open all night. I’ll have to remember that.

These last couple of days have been a bit strange. I’ve got a lot of stuff, both work and fun, that I wouldn’t mind getting done, but it seems that I’ve had something to do pretty much every day, without time to sit and relax and just futz around. Today it’s attending the church of brunch at de dutch pannekoeken house, then dinner with the folks tonight, replacing the motherboard tomorrow morning, then tuesday heading into work to meet and look at what we’re doing next (and assuming the MB isn’t fixed, heading back to the co-lo again, hope that doesn’t happen).

These are of course all things that I need to do, and want to do, and enjoy doing… Guess I’m just not quite used to the 8:30-5 office job yet 🙂