
Canucks almost made it, but they couldn’t pull the golden horseshoe out for the second time. They were down 3-1 and got one a few minutes from the end of the last period, and the last two minutes were absolute nail-biters, with the guys fighting hard, up to the last second, and coming so close, but they couldn’t quite get it. I am drinking beer in their honor though.

Today was a work day. Aside from sneaking out to watch the game, it’s been code code code. I did get my code so it’s quite generic, but not completely. It’s slow, but not terrible, it will be a late night though. It isn’t completely due on Monday apparently, only mostly, so I have a couple more evenings to finish it up, though of course I want to get this done and out the door ASAP.

Yesterday me and some guys headed down to the Northwest LinuxFest in Bellingham. Silverstr has a good wrap up of the events.

Back to work.