A Much Better Day

Well, so far today has been a much better day than the last couple. While I don’t have the ram for my work machine yet (I’m assured it’s “on the next truck” up from head office), I did just finish ordering a nice new system for home, with some parts based on suggestions given when I asked. Thanks guys! I’ll put up the full specs of the system when I have it not only in my hot and sweatly little hands, but it’s actually running. I’ve read there are some issues with linux, mostly with getting the embedded sound working, but it seems possible, and there are lots of howtos out there.

In theory tonight I’ll be able to do the hardware shuffle, whereis the following hardware shuffling happens:

  • winbox->server
  • mainbox->winbox
  • newstuff->mainbox

I’ll probably upgrade Firefly’s box in there somewhere as well, but as her system is only 50mhz under the current mainbox, there’s not a lot to be gained, but it won’t hurt to trade processors. I need to get into that box anyway to put in the scsi card for the scanner that I got from Silverstr.

I also had a good talk with the other programmer here, Dave, and figured out that I wasn’t the only one getting frustrated with this code. We talked for a bit and came up with a plan as to what to do to get started at least, so I’m working on that with much more confidence now. Which is good. Seems that everyone, or at least almost everyone, is gone. Dave and his ride had to leave early, new manager guy is gone…. I’m sure that has nothing to do with the fact it’s Friday though.

Tomorrow I’m heading down to Seattle with Yohimbe and WebDiva to go to a birthday party, and sunday I might be helping a friend move (I wasn’t asked directly, but there was a promise of beer, so it really should be considered), and might go and take in Bruce Almighty. Seeing as Mr. Cranky gives it three bombs and mybc gives it 1.5/4 (theirs) and 3/4 (readers), it’s probably best as a matinee movie.

And best of all, it’s not only Friday, but Friday is almost over, what could make a better day than that?