New System Suggestions

As I just mentioned, I’m looking to upgrade my system a bit, something middle of the road, price-point wise, and I”ve been out of hardware for a while, so I have no clue what is best anymore. A while back it was athlon + an asus board, but these days…. no clue.

I’m only looking to spend <$500 or so, get a half a gig of ram, a mb and a cpu, and that's about it. I've been looking at the prices at Atic, but that just reminds me that I don’t know a D845PEBT2 from a P4DCE+II.

So I solicite suggestions from you gentle readers. Basically I’d rather get advice from friends than talk to the salesdroids at Futureshop.

Intel or AMD? XP2200 or P4-2.4Ghz? Supermicro, Tyan, ABit, Asus, or Gigabyte? Rambus or DDR? Remember, this is not supposed to be a god box, just an upgrade to an aging celeron 533….