Impressed with Mason

I’ve got to say, I’m becoming more and more impressed with Mason. Today I wrote the frontend for a survey or polling system and got it done in relatively short time. Not only that, but with only minor tweaking, I can simply stick those components (ie: a component to display a poll) into pretty much any page and have it just work. Very cool. Course, mason isn’t going to win any speed contests. I can tweak out a pure mod_perl solution to give me 100 requests a second on a low end box with a fairly complicated page (with several database calls on each page), and from what I’ve seen mason doesn’t give anywhere near that sort of performance. More in the 20 requests a second area (could be wrong here, haven’t tested it at home yet). However, the speed of development makes up for this. I’m considering using it when I re-do Peer 2 Peer Personals.