Best Laid Plans…

So much for my idea of getting to bed at a decent hour last night. I was up till about 1am online with W ($boss of the ASP stuff I work on) and Dana doing some testing on a webpage. There were only 4-5 people (the fifth had some serious issues with her Telus connection) so I’m not sure how effective the testing was, but I was quite impressed with W’s ability to herd people via instant messanger to click buttons all at as close to the same time as possible, and make sure everyone goes where they are supposed to go at the same time. My reaction was the same as his when Dana mentioned that the A-Team was on…. “it’s 12:30 already!” Ugh. Going to try for more than 8 hours sleep again tonight, but there’s a “graduation dinner” for the SEP program tonight, so we’ll see.