No Sleep, Lots Done and Musings on Portable MP3 Players

So last night was another post-midnight bedtime (ie: a groan of despair when seeing that the little “AM” light was on on my clock when I hit the sack). However, I was proud of myself getting a fair amount done. Got my books updated, receipts organized, business bank account reconciled, bills paid (go online banking!), a bunch of papers cleared off the desk, and several CDs burnt, letting me clear off a bunch of space on various hard drives. In addition to that I managed to check out a bug reported on some of my work on the ASP project, though it turned out to be a Works For Me(tm) non-bug. Not bad for a nights work. If I do say so myself, even if it did lead to strange dreams.
Read on for some ArcterChristmasPresent ideas….

Oh, Iambe’s brother and his girlfriend came over and showed me his Rio Fuse, a 128mb mp3 player hat looks pretty nifty. It’s all solid state, so there’s nothing to abuse while running on the treadmill or working out at the gym. 128mb isn’t all that much, but he had a good point when he said that you can only listen to music at the gym for so long. One of my big wants for an mp3 player is for use at the gym, so it’d be almost perfect (hint hint). The device itself is pretty tiny (3.5