Cat Dosing Day 2

Well, this morning’s cat dosing went better. The Kitten (who we are calling “Patches” unless we can find something better) takes hers grudgingly. Rex is not all bad anymore, it went better this morning than last morning I think. His ear drops aren’t bad, his anti-inflamatory pills can be crushed and hidden in food (chompchomp*chomp*), and he doesn’t horribly object to getting goop put on his eye. The anti-biotics though, are still a problem. If we can get any in him, which is hard when he’s convinced we’re trying to poison him, he smacks his chops together and the stuff foams up and dribbles out. I don’t think that’s “usual”. The vet just gives us the standard “did you try hiding it in food?” (yes) “did you try wrapping him in a blanket?” (yes). The issue isn’t getting it into him (well, not the whole issue anyway) it’s the fact that he won’t or can’t swallow it. Hopefully there’s a solution out there for this, as I know this stuff is important to him getting back on track.

Oh, and we took his cone off for a bit last night and he was very happy. He’s been used to having eye irritation so I didn’t think he’d go off and scratch too much, and was (mostly) right. It still must itch some as he did do some scraping of his head against the doorframes and whatnot, but mostly he was just really happy to have it off and vegged on the bed and purred and was back to my big black happy cat again. Will post pictures soon.