Thoughts On Hardware and Email

Just thinking over things about the situation. One thing when talking to Fred and Neil this evening about was how to get the box back up. Neil was willing to donate an athlon motherboard and CPU to me. My problem was that gentoo is compiled for your hardware, and to really get the benefit of the OS, I’d have to re-compile for Pentium3 when we got the dual P3 box back up and running. I could compile for generic x86, but that again doesn’t give you the benefit of compiling for the hardware.

So I was looking at spending a couple of days setting up a new system on the athlon, and then when the new MB or whatever came in setting up that same system again on the new hardware (or re-compiling everything from scratch, which could potentially cause problems if something broke halfway through.

Then I realized that I was a smart boy and backed up the entire system before starting the re-install, so I have an 80G drive with on it as of 9:30am this morning. If/when I get the athlon motherboard in as a stopgap I just re-image data from the drive back to the original hard drives and voila! system back to normal. When the MB is replaced then the full gentoo install can go as it was intended to. Sometimes it’s good to think ahead 🙂

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to mirror the 80G drive somewhere safe, just to be sure!

Oh, and if you want to reach me the next couple of days email me at abailward (- at -( premieragendas dawt com