Another Day, Another Windows Update

You know, even though I don’t use windows a huge amount, I’d think that I’d use other programs enough to bump Windows Update off my “most recently used” list in the start menu. Nope, it’s still there. Second from the bottom, but it’s still hanging in there. I’m happy to see yet another Windows Update, this time involving among other “allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system and gain control over it” updates, a font.

A font update that may cause me to restart my computer.

What the hell? Do they attach that warning to every update these days, or does repacing a font seriously mean that I have to reboot.

Under linux you reboot when you change hardware, update the kernel, or something is completely fucked up and it’s causing a hang (normally driver issues, doesn’t happen that often, but it does happen).

Under windows you reboot when you change a font. <shaking head> There’s that old windows joke about “you moved the mouse, please reboot to continue”… suddenly it’s not so funny anymore.

Microsoft, you there? Paying attention? This is why people don’t like you. +1 for security updates, -1 for a font being a “critical update”, -1 for making the user reboot afterwards. That’s a sum total of -0.99995295234 according to the windows calculator. Hello? Is this thing on? I can only pray that when longhorn arrives it doesn’t suck this badly.