Sewing Time Cat Fun

As I write this I can hear Firefly in the living room admonishing Zoon and Patches for fighting directly where she’s cutting and working with fabric. Threats of “no fish for a week!”, “don’t do that!” and “claws in!” are falling of deaf, furry ears. Apparently any place that a person is working on something is the best place in the world for a kitten to sit, sleep or play. Firefly’s been working on clothing for myself and Cat5 for our annual truck up to Clinton for the big SCA war. I snapped a few pictures of the kitten being cute before coming to the office to avoid the tons of self assigned work that I should be doing (bills, books, reading, scanning, and finally finishing up the July 1 Canada Day fireworks photos). Read more for the cuteness.

As Firefly started working on things Patches was still there, helping and sitting directly where she would be most “helpful”. Currently she’s under threat of being locked in the office with me for just this offense. I can hear her muttering about “I could crush you in a heartbeat human weaklings!” under her breath however.

[ ISO 400 1/10th F4.0, post processing: neate image for noise reduction, crop, minor levels and contrast adjustments ]

While we were having dinner Patches had a fine old time sleeping on top of all the sewing gear. Sleeping on things that people need is only for when people aren’t trying to use those things however. This is my favorite photo from the batch.

[ ISO 200 1/8th F4.0, post processing: minor levels and contrast adjustments ]

Corny asleep in the new cat scratching post/cathouse that I got last week. I was trying to get rid of the old ratty one but they sat on it when I took it to the front to pitch it and made it quite clear that it was their very favorite one. No, this one. No, that one. No, both. I’m such a pushover.

[ ISO 400 1/45th F6.7, post processing: neat image for noise, crop, auto levels, contrast, color ]

Sadly this photo doesn’t show how stupidly happy Corny is to sleep in the new scratching post, but I thought it was a cool angle.

[ ISO 400 1/8th F4.0, post processing: neat image for noise, crop ]

Gads, how lame am I to post a bunch of pictures of my cats? Again!!