In my running around today I did snap a few non-sucky shots. May as well post them as it’s late already here, and I still have lots to do to get ready for tomorrow’s trip up to Clinton.

Sort of a ying and yang thing going here. The first show was taken of my little grey one sitting and sleeping directly in the sunbeam on the bed when I got up first thing this morning. The second is at night, taken around 10:30 or so, when there was just enough light left to see the bugs eating me. The moon is actually doing a lot of the providing of light here (though it’s about a 10s exposure) but it’s all blown out due to exposure time so I cropped it out. Here’s what it did look like though. I really need an 2x extender tube (or 600mm lense 🙂 so I can get sharper and closer shots methinks.
Anyway, gotta pack some more of the few things I can, figure out what I forgot, and get sleep for tomorrow. See everyone on Monday!