Happy Hard Drive Joy

md1 : active raid5 hdg1[3] hdh1[2] hdf1[0]
156301184 blocks level 5, 32k chunk, algorithm 0 [3/2] [U_U]
[>....................]  recovery =  0.6% (513408/78150592) finish=254.4min speed=5084K/sec

Many thanks to Cat5 who picked up and dropped off a new hard drive for me. Decided to go with the larger 120G drive so I have a bit of extra space for the future. So my raid is happily rebuilding away. Thanks dude, next time I'll get the dancing girls for you like I promised.

Good news is that I found my business checkbook which for the life of me I couldn't find. Ended up finding it exactly where I thought it would be, not sure how I missed it. The thing I still haven't found is my toolkit with the soldering iron in it, which I need to find so I can solder the hard drive fan on which Cat5 found the problem (pulled wire on the back of one side. Thanks again, more dancing girls coming your way.