Odd Windows Problems

For the last few days I’ve had some really odd windows problems. Not sure if they are related to XP Service Pack 2, but I haven’t done a huge amount of installing or modifying of the system since I installed XPSP2. Basically the system is fine until I leave it overnight, and then when I come back and try to use it I get the following type of messages:

  • When going to start->run I get the message:

    “Windows cannot create a shortcut here

    Do you want the shortcut to be placed on the desktop instead? [Yes/No].”

    If I say yes, the message “Windows could not create the shortcut. Check to see if the disk is full. [OK]”

    At one point it would actually put a ‘shortcut to run’ on the desktop, and when clicked gave it’s own error message.
  • When trying to move around my filesystem (with an already opened explorer window by hitting the ‘up’ button) I get:

    “C:\<whatever the path is> is not accessible.

    Not enough quota is available to process this command. [OK]”
  • When clicking on an executable file (putty.exe) that happened to be in the previously mentioned open explorer window I get:

    “Windows could not access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item. [OK]”
  • Trying to run ‘Scan with AVG’ from the context menu gives:

    “Cannot run C:\<path>\avgse.exe, error 0. [OK]”
  • No ‘New…’ option in the context menu.
  • Hitting CTRL-ALT-DEL to get to the task manager:

    “The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000017). Click OK to terminate the application. [OK]”.
  • In the start menu the ‘all programs’ is completely empty.

I’d give more but right now that’s about all I could get to. Another thing is that when I shut down (or log out, depending on how wedged the system is… this morning I only had the option to switch user or logout, and when I did the dialogue isn’t the standard bubbly XP one.

I have 30G of free space on the drive, and after a reboot all is back to normal. Any suggestions? A quick look through google didn’t give any good clues. Any windows folks want to try to help me out?

Update: Came home after working on the house to find a couple more interesting ones. I had left firefox running and I have the following message box:

“The exceptoing Guard Page Exception

A page of memory that makrs the end of a data structure, such as a stack or array, has been accessed (0x80000001) occurred in the application at location 0x77c57124.

Click on OK to terminate the program

Click on CANCEL to debug the program


I can get the start->run dialoge now, but when trying to run ‘cmd’ I’m told it’s not a valid win32 application. If I had some funky screensaver (which I did, I had the new SETI@Home BOINC running for a couple of days) I’d blame that, but I’ve got it set to the default one, and this wierd stuff is only kicking in over long periods of time, not the 10 minutes it takes for the screensaver to kick in šŸ™ Running chkdsk from the start->run gives me ‘Not enough quota is available to process this command.”


All my spyware scanners and virus scanners show nothing either.