I Hate Spammers

Man, sometimes I really hate the internet. I mean really hate it. Seems that someone has decided that using <random name>@arcterex.net was a pretty good idea when sending out spam to just about every .br domain out there. So for the last 3 or 4 days, in addition to random normal spam that sneaks past my bogofilter filters, I’m being flooded with mailer bounces from these .br domains. Lots of fun. They are coming in random spurts, in between leaving work and finishing watching ER (hey, leave my alone, my thursday night is my own dammit!) I cleaned out a couple of hundred. There’ll probably another 100-200 by tomorrow morning. And of course I can’t do anything about it. It’s not my server sending the mail of course, it’s other open relays and someones spamming program choosing my domain as a scapegoat. About the only thing I can do is remote the rule that says all email to anything @arcterex.net, but that’ll kill off my ability to track things by using my own random @arcterex.net addresses (very useful for signing up to things).
