Sleep? Who Needs Sleep? (An update of sorts)

The last few days have been nuts sleep wise… up at 6 or 7 and bed at 12 or 1:30 or later…. Last night (technically the night before last, friday) was the last day of a class I’ve been doing, and there was a big grad event that lasted all day. The first part of the day was for people who were in the class, the evening was for guests and dinner and dancing. So we were up at 7am to get into downtown vancouver for 10ish (had no idea what traffic was going to be like). Anyway, the day went well, and after the dinner and awards and whatnot (I got nominated for ‘most improved’, though I didn’t get it) around 10pm the dancing started. Around 11:30 I was starting to lag and considering bailing to head home for a half decent nights sleep when the DJ played Home For A Rest by Spirit of the West, which pumped me back up. I was a madman out on the dancefloor, it was awesome, been ages since I’ve let loose in a display of dancing like that…

And we headed out of there at 12:30am, got back at 2:30 or so. Ouch.

Double ouch was this morning I was up at 7am again to be in an art show. I was accepted to be in the Mission Arts Alive Festival to show and sell photos. It was a good day too, though technically I made only enough to cover the $20 admission fee I paid to get in the show… hm…. will have to re-adjust that one…. Anyway, a day hanging out at the studio/home of D’Arts, run by Dale somethingorotherstartingwith’l’ who is responsible for pretty much every large scale mural seen in the mission and abbotsford area (including some amazingly done inside of school gyms), as well as the hockey whales sighted around downtown Vancouver last year (this year they’re doing hockey bears, and it’ll include a ‘Beartuzzi’ 🙂

Anyway, a good and interesting time, great to get feedback on my photography and actually have people… give me…. money for…. my pictures. The laughing horse shot was the standout favorite. Update: Here’s a link to the image in question.

Anyway, during the late afternoon there was a call from Yohimbe and Jim for a random act of currey, so we were out till 10 enjoying the amazing currey the GM in Maple Ridge offers. I came home and just came down to check email and suddenly it’s 12:30 and I still have energy! Good thing too because there’s still lots of work on a consulting project that I’ve committed to have done by monday. Methinks bed would be a good idea around now.