My Take on a “Relaxing” Weekend Off

So Sunday I took off. IE: Not working, not doing any computer work…. it was great. Even decided to head out to Granville Island to wander around for the day. Great idea, or so I thought. First of all, I totally forgot that the Merritt Music Fest was on, and apparently at 1:30pm on a Sunday everyone was heading back, turning the highway into a a parking lot. Then an hour and a half later when we got to drive around 5 or 6 times around the Island to find a parking spot, along with the other hundred million people who had the same idea as us. We even gave up on a free spot after the first round but even the pay parking was sparse. Finally found a spot and paid my $7 for 3 hours (yea yea you New York people have it worse I know) and got out for a nice day wandering around in the sun with a camera. 20 minutes later I’m back at the car putting the camera back, finding after 3 shots that the batteries were dead 🙁


After that it wasn’t bad, hanging out in the sun, checking out the hugely overpriced tacky tourist stuff. Good times.