Author name: Arcterex

Gentoo On The Server

Slashdot brought up a story called Gentoo On Server Considered Harmful, a note on a blog entry by Cuzimatter on his experiences, both good and bad, with Gentoo Linux. One of his assertions was that Gentoo was too risky for servers: The best way to keep a system stable is to get it working and […]

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Adventures with WordPress

I set up a blog for Iambe and decided to play a bit with the WordPress blogging engine and thought it was pretty slick compared to Movable Type and started looking at using it for this Blog. The install of the latest version, WordPress 2.1 was super-easy, unzip, put in the database login information, go

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Back Home!

Quick wrap up as I just got back from my seven day cruise in Mexico…. Had a great time for the most part, brought back booze (tequila of course) and lots of pictures (downloading from the iPod I borrowed to store them on as we speak). I did not: Get a tattoo Buy a timeshare

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Holy Snow Batman!

Wow, woke up this morning with the groggy feeling that I was late because it was lighter outside than normal, when I finally got near a window there was five friggin’ inches of snow! By the time I got to the car and realized it was pretty bad I was already committed. The snow was

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Intel DP965LT and Microphone

Not that long ago I got myself a new system based on the Intel DP965LT motherboard. The only thing that I still can’t get going is the microphone. Anyone else have this working with this hardware? What happens is that basically nothing happens when I plug in the microphone. No output when I yell into

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