Author name: Arcterex

Christmas Wrap-up

Well, it’s all over except for the new years eve bash (read: sitting around watching a movie or something). Christmas was great, had the double action dinners, one here with everyone and one with my family, Boxing Day was good as well, hit up some good deals at the various boxing day sales. Other than […]

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Weird, MT just ate my post about being sick 🙁 Anyway, yea, been sick since Monday night, I’ll leave the details light, as you really don’t want to know what was going on internally. Needless today I haven’t slept “normally” since then, though today I feel mostly human again, though the tummy is still rumbling

Recovery Read Post »

The Zune Conspiracy, Theory #2

Theory #2 My second theory is even better, dual tin-foil I think. I think that the Zune might have been nothing more than an experiment to see how pervasive you could make <acronym title=”Digital Rights ‘Management’””>DRM in peoples lives. When the first few proof of concept applications for Microsoft Vista came out the concept of

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The Zune Conspiracy, Theory #1

Microsoft released their iPod competitor the Zune, or at least that’s what everything things it is. I have two theories (conspiracy theories of course, full tin-foil hat engaged) about what the nefarious plans for the Zune really are however, and they both include the fact that the Zune was never meant to be a serious

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Laptop Finally De-Wormed

So the laptop I was working on the last couple of days is done. I never got it done “in place” and without blowing away the system… a fter messing with the stupid thing for another hour last night I gave up. Running spyware doctor, then AdAware, then AVG, followed by all the same again

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Geekiest Analogy for Sex Changes

Somewhere in a conversation today at work about someone’s friend who had a sex change operation (female to male), when asking why you wouldn’t just use a strap on the following was said: If have a female end and you want a male end, you get a gender-bender, you don’t re-crimp the cable! Possibly the

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