Daily Image

Self Portrait in Glasses

A bit of a self-portrait taken today at Barry’s Rose Garden Party with the help of Webdiva and her shiny sunglasses. Cropped and auto-levels and auto-contrast applied. ISO 200 1/90th, F-stop unknown (manual 50mm prime lens used). Egads it’s almost 2am!

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Now that’s a Happy Cat

Last night the fire alarm in the building went off at 5am, which sucked. Getting dressed and going and standing in the front of the building to wait for someone to turn off the alarm wakes you up more than enough to make it hard to get back to sleep right away, like you could

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This morning I give you not only a scary dream but also a nice image. This was taken while in the car waiting to turn off of S. Fraser to go to the gym yesterday. I made minor modifications in photoshop to the original, a bit of cropping and an unsharp mask to make the

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Ups, Downs, and a Photo

Well, the arcterex.net box (naked) got an upgrade last night from a PII-200 to a Celeron 533 (the one that ran UFies.org for ages) so it was down for a bit last night. Today UFies.org will be down (and therefor mail, etc) due to Paralynx moving to a new office around 6th and 6th (or

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Picture of the Day

My contribution to the Daily Photo, though it doesn’t seem daily anymore. This is a shot from a walk a few days ago where I thought that taking a picture of my feet would be sort of cool. In an effort to blur things and get the impression of speed a bit more I increased

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Daily Photo

Todays image is from a walk around the block I took at lunch yesterday. This is a flowerbox of sorts at one of the industrial companies behind us. As a bonus here’s something I spotted on the way to work yesterday that might amuse all ya’ll.

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Daily Image – office shadows

Well, Darren put out the challenge to the folks to post an image a day if you have access to a digicam, so here is my contribution. Not hugely interesting I suppose, but my favorite from the mess I took this morning and last night. This is the view out my office window first thing

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