
Nature Photography

Christopher Burkett’s Image Gallery is absolutely amazing, and why I want to become a better photographer. Note the prices for prints…. wow! From an article on Would Ansel Adams have gone digital linked from /..

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Abbotsford Morning Pictures

It’s because of things like the above that I don’t mind getting up at the horendously early hour that I do. Absolutely fan-tastic! Another thing about getting up in the morning is that I’m the most popular person in the house. I always used to wish I was popular, and now I am. When I

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Cool Tree Images

James Balog is a photographer whom I was introduced to through a photography magazine. He detailed trees by snapping at points 200 or more shots while rappelling down, then re-assembled the images to create in some cases, 8 foot printouts. Nifty stuff. Note it’s a flash site.

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A Kitten Heat Lamp

Been a while since I posted a picture up here, so it’s fine time I did. Zoon the kitten (though she’s almost 2) has grown to really love lying on the back of the couch right under the reading light that’s positioned there. I guess it is basically a kitten heat lamp, and she really

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The Changing Look of Vancouver

A very neat page linked over from vancouver webloggers is a calledThe Changing City and fades between panoramas of Vancouver taken in 1978 (I was three!) and 2003 (I was/am 3+2003-1978!). You need IE, though it won’t work on my crossover office installed version. If you don’t have IE or it won’t work for you,

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Photo Studio on the Cheap

Very cool… Scoble points to a tutorial on creating a photo studio on the cheap. They use foam core (piece of black material… I love the product shot on the office depot page!) as a backdrop for macro photography. The “foam core addicts” produce some startlingly (IMHO) good photographs as well. The added bonus of

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New Toys for the Camera

Oooohh! Went over to dinner tonight and talked to dad about photography and stuff. He gave me a little Rollei 121BC flash unit that he got from a garage sale for a doller. Very sexy little unit (front, back darker view of the back (but with the scales slightly more visible)). The scales are pretty

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