Random Stuff


Well, if you haven’t have guessed, we made it to Calgary. Darren drove for the first 500km (to Revelstoke). I almost only killed us once on the drive (got distracted trying to cut off Darren’s feet with the power windows, the car pulled left, the car went off the road, on the road, off the […]

8/22/97 Read Post »


Bloody hectic day. Actually managed to sleep in till 9:30. Called a lawyer, and the only appointment I could get right away was at 10:30. Called Brian (my taxi), but his phone was busy until 10:20. Called ICBC and got an appointment for 3:30. Basically the lawyer doesn’t deal with the car, just the personal

8/18/97 Read Post »


Well, I installed NT 4 over the weekend. Works nice on my P188 with 32 meg RAM. I did crash it this morning though 🙂. My DE200 NIC died over the weekend though… so I was late this morning because I was trying to read manuals, change jumpers, and see if the little light on

7/22/97 Read Post »