
Every User Lies…. How True!

Speaking as someone who spent four years in a Hell described as “Tech Support for Realtors” back in the days before the internet was big and before there were high speed connections (read: we were configuring modems for a big dial in BBS) I can surely agree that All Users Lie. It’s interesting that Heidi […]

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Downsides of The Mac Switch

Being a new Mac user and a computer user of 15-ish years, I figured I’d list some of the things that were not the garden of eden utopia that the idea of a mac sometimes is. Where possible, I’ve included my solutions or findings. Anyone out there in the lazyweb who has ideas to address

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Request For The Day

Please please please, all you scientists out there, I will pass on my worldly possessions if you find me a way to strangle someone through standard TCP/IP protocol. Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssse!

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Halloween 2007

Anyone else feeling completely apathetic about Halloween this year? I honestly couldn’t care less about it, and was considing hiding in the basement with all the lights out and pretending I wasn’t home tomorrow night. Or better, go out somewhere so I didn’t have to pretend to be home. Last year the number of kids

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The Zune Conspiracy, Theory #2

Theory #2 My second theory is even better, dual tin-foil I think. I think that the Zune might have been nothing more than an experiment to see how pervasive you could make <acronym title=”Digital Rights ‘Management’””>DRM in peoples lives. When the first few proof of concept applications for Microsoft Vista came out the concept of

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The Zune Conspiracy, Theory #1

Microsoft released their iPod competitor the Zune, or at least that’s what everything things it is. I have two theories (conspiracy theories of course, full tin-foil hat engaged) about what the nefarious plans for the Zune really are however, and they both include the fact that the Zune was never meant to be a serious

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CIBC, How You Pissed Me Off

I don’t bank with CIBC, at least not normally. I do deal with them on occasion though, and it happend that I had to run down the the local branch here on Monday to do some in branch stuff. No big deal. This evening around 7pm while I’m eating dinner the phone rings. The conversation

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Why the Internet Sucks

Pages like this just piss me right off. To most of you this will probably show the Showtime US page with (I assume) information about my latest favorite TV show, Pen & Teller‘s “Bullshit!”. Sadly, when I view it, I get a page with this text: Sorry We at Showtime Online express our apologies; however,

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