
Well the weekend is upon us.

It is?

I got home from work tonight at 1:30 (that would be now). Well, ok, so I was only at work till 11:30, and stopped by a friend’s on the way home but that’s not the point! In a funny and probably quite sick way I had a good time tonight. Just sitting and coding cool stuff, munching on some pizza (going for a run tomorrow morning to make up for that health discretion) and chatting with friends. Course, tomorrow I’ll be doing the same thing, having offered to work on a Saturday (we have a big project due on Monday that has to get done).

But there’s lots of other things to do. I got home and found my credit card bill and my cell phone bill (neither of which I opened, not having the strength at this time to handle it), 2 bags of garbage smelling up the place (I’ll be taking those out tomorrow on the way to my run), cats with no cat food (to be got after the run), and a room that hasn’t been cleaned or used as anything other than a place to sleep and type for the last week or so. I don’t think the vacuum cleaner is working either (I could be wrong) but this place is in need of it (and why does roomie* not do that instead of sitting on their asses in front of mindless game-shows during the day/eve/weekends???).

But I digress.

I hope that the others out there, that would be my faithful readers, are getting out and relaxing, partying it up if you need to unwind, sleeping if you are tired, getting better if you are ill, or not working if you’ve been working too hard. I won’t be, but hey, I slave for you 🙂

Head to ufies.org too, I’ll be sticking some cool links and stuffs up there tonight after I hit save here
(well, C-x C-s actually, but whose counting?).

Well I hear cats fighting so that must be my queue….