
Almost had a semi-productive day today. Except for being called at
sometime really early (6am or so I think) by Iambe (time diff iambe!
time diff!), which was ok cause it was asking me which O’Reilly books I wanted her to pick up
for me. Good to hear things are going well over in Atlanta anyway.

Got some stuff done. Some mailing wasn’t done due to the
bank closing at 4pm (don’t ask) and I wasn’t near the bank till then
because after my early morning phone call I was back asleep for a
while 🙂 Seems SilverStr didn’t have that great luck with his class
today. A bad install, partitioning wankerage, and a dead battery
leant to both of us going to the pub for a Guiness at noon. Great
lunch huh? Got some shopping done, now I have sandwich stuff for the
week, so I can stop wasting money with buying food (though the little
sandwich place across the way makes a mean kaiser for $3.75).

Hung out with Llau this eve for a bit, but was sadly not that exciting
to hang out with, cause I was writing this column for Iambe. I
personally think it’s disjointed and not all that wonderful (wasn’t
really in a writing mood), but you can decide for yourself I guess.

I guess my one big accomplishment was making a great playlist with my
newly organized mp3s…

Ohhhh! Almost forgot. this site has a
parody of hentai, the anime/porn stuff involving naked young girls and
tenticle monsters. It is very funny, but also very
very adult oriented. You’ve been warned.