Baggy Pants Guy, Funny Hat Guy, and Collar Guy <- three funny people I saw today

Wow, 6pm and it’s been a full day. I was actually up at a half decent hour.
Well, 10ish. Heck, even made it out of the house by 11:58! Long
long day of shopping. And I hate shopping. At least it wasn’t
Christmas shopping, which is what I hate most. Maybe one of these years I
will actually get my presents in say, November, instead of December 24th πŸ™‚

Friday was yet another (mostly) failed day of company activity. We have had
people bitching for a long time now that the weather was too nice to play
volleyball inside, and the day we decide to go and play Ultimate or Soccer
only 7 people showed up! We played a little, but it really sucked with so
few people πŸ™ At one point I was trying to do great moves! around
Bear and ended up rolling over my ankle, which went pop. Not
a good thing I figured, and continued playing. It’s swollen a bit, and
wrapped up, but I don’t think I’ll be up for hiking or climbing this
awsome weekend πŸ™ Walking around shopping kinda sucked too. It
feels almost ok, but not quite good enough to run the Sun Run just yet.

I decided to do a bit of shopping around, as I was planning on buying some
CDs, and found some interesting things out. The CDs were ones that I had on
tape, or should have, but haven’t picked up yet. A few U2, some CCR,
and some girl named Nelly F-something-or-other (she sings that “I’m like a
Bird” song). Also the movie Dinosaur, which I’ve given up trying to download
the DIVX rip with WinMX.

Hopefully this will help some of my fellow abbotsfordians in their
buying decisions*.


A&B Sound

Future Shop


U2 – All You Can’t Leave Behind





CCR – Greatest Hits





U2 – Achtung Baby





U2 – The Jushua Tree





U2 – Zooropa





Nelly Fortado – Whoh Nelly





Enya – A Day Without Rain




(didn’t look)

DVD – Disney’s Dinosaur (Special Edition)





Notice a couple of things. A&B is the best prices for 90% of the small
amount I was getting. HMV kicked A&B for the one DVD price. Future Shop licked
donkey balls across the board. Chapters isn’t that much of a savings,
especially when you consider you still have a $3-5 cost of shipping added on.
In this case my comparision shopping (completely un-scientific) paid off, and
I learnt a few things πŸ™‚

This didn’t stop me from completely forgetting to put Zooropa into the pile
though πŸ™ Bah.

In addition to this shopping and food shopping, I also finally took my bike in
for a tune up for the summer and picked up a pair of nice columbia hiking
shoes, which will be used for walking/hiking, as using my Running (as in “made
for running”) shoes for day to day walking isn’t the best thing for them.