If Everyone Got Along Who Would We Hate?

Ahh… the end of the weekend. What a crappy time eh? Relatively productive weekend though. 4 loads of laundry, a trip to the vet (Cornys been puking more than normal lately so I took him in to see if there was a blockage or mega-hairball or something… turns out it’s probably a food hyper-sensitivity, meaning he gets put on (expensive) special food for a couple of months to see how that goes… no puking so far, and he seems to like the food…), and a trip to the grocery store. Firefly’s bro came over and hung out a bit, looking for new cars, trucks, and looking for advice on various MP3 gagets [archive.org link]. Speaking of mp3s, another 4G or so made it down to my system, making me think a 60G+ drive may be needed to stick in fishbowl for all mp3 access, all the time.

I’ve been playing with a program called mp3mover [archive.org link] which will take a directory of un-organized mp3s and organize them into directories of artist/album with nice filenames (whatever you specify). Very cool program. It does what it does well, but not perfect, depending on the naming/id3 tagging of the file. So after every run I have to go through and re-organize, nuke crap, change id3 info (or add it), move some stuff into categories such as country, comedy, etc. This takes a fair amount of time, but it also allows me to run mp3_check [archive.org link] on them to make sure they are OK (most songs are, but the longer stand up stuff I’m collecting seems to have errors once and a while) and also toss the lower quality files for the better quality stuff, listen to each song, or at least the start and finish, to make sure they are ok. Relatively relaxing anyway.

Also started on the PADI certification CDs. Only about 3/4 of the way through the first module, but if I follow what I want and work on it for an hour or so a night, it all should be done by Aug. 11 when the course starts. I was thinking that if I had tons of ca$h (my .com millions) I could have fun buying nifty scuba toys. Too bad everything you can buy for scuba seems to cost about $800+. I’ve bitched about that before though.

What else. Hmm… I was going to re-do the logo on our company bugzilla site (internal, don’t bother) to make it a little cooler looking, but never got around to it. Wouldn’t mind re-doing the look of this page a bit to make it look neater. I like what Tig [archive.org link] has done with the comments on his site. I’d have to do CSS then, which brings me to another point:


I’m currently writing this from a console on my system. Why not in X? Well, because I’m here and I can do it here just as well as I could with a GUI. I got to a bunch of links from other sites (for the above links I put up) just dandy. But I go to staticred.net to go and get an URL for some comments (note the empty link for “comments on his site” above) and get the message:

“Upgrade your damned browser already!”

[blah blah links for GUI browsers]

Unless Netscape 6, Mozilla, or Opera (you forgot Galeon!) have text modes available to them, I’m completely out of luck trying to access his site to get the INFORMATION I WANT! He doesn’t even bother to try to display it, as he has in the past, for text browsers. I’m used to not being able to see nice formatting using links [archive.org link] but at least I COULD FRIGGIN’ SEE SOMETHING!


If the above is the result of CSS then I think I’ll happily continue using <TABLE> and <FONT> until I die :P~