Hardware un-Mojo

<big sigh of relief>

Things are finally almost done hardware wise. In the last day or two I have gotten the following accomplished:

  • Upgrade my FireCard up to the new codebase, so my firewall is up to date and happy
  • Fishbowl (the web server) has been updated to a whopping 64 megs of RAM. Sadly, this isn’t enough to make things speedy for me as far as moveable type‘s admin interface goes 🙁
  • Stuck my one spare drive (don’t you hate going through a pile of spare hard drives to discover that the only one that still works is only a 560 megger?) in said fishbowl. It will probably become the drive that webpages are stored on, so I can expand my gallery without running out of room. By the way, opening up a box that hasn’t had any major work done on it in many years is scary… now I know what I’ll go for next halloween.
  • New power supply has now been installed in the windows box, and appears to be running just fine now.

phew – glad that’s all over.