Ducks as Pets

My mother-in-law aquired a duck from a neighbor/friend/someone that wanted it to go to a good home, as it’s mom wasn’t the best mom around. So she took it and basically adopted it as a pet. Apparently this little critter, “Duckly”, is not scared of people or hands and is quite content to snuggle and sleep on peoples feet. About a week after they got him they decided that a duck in the house wasn’t the most practical thing in the world (at least until they learn to litter train it) and started constructing a pen out in the back for him. To make sure he didn’t get lonely, getting some friends for him was in order, so last week mom-in-law went out and got three new ducklings, who apparently lost their fear of hands and being picked up quickly after taking their cues from Duckly.

Anyway, the point of all this is I had Dad’s digital camera last weekend and stopped by there and took some pictures. You can admire them here. Oh, they have a nice cat as well named Whisper, you can admire him in there as well.