What Do I Want for Christmas?

Regardless of my previous post of my wishlist, I really have no idea what I want for Christmas. I was out this evening with Firefly (had to drop by the office to get some files, hit the bank and whatnot) and we went Christmas shopping. She kept on asking me what I wanted, and I

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My Amazon Wishlist

For those wondering what to get me for Christmas, feel free to check out the wishlist over at amazon.ca. Course, some of this stuff may already be bought, and some (ie: camera books) probably are ahead of others (allo allo series). Honestly I have no idea what I want that’s afforable by humans… still waiting

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Photoshop Retouching

At a Christmas party on Saturday I met up with a guy who has a photo studio in Surrey and mentioned I did a shoot with a friend of mine in Squamish. He asked me to send up some of the pictures, original and retouched…. anyway, I’d seen this Photoshop Retouching link a few days

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Goodbye Howard Stern

Well, today will be the last day of Howard Stern on terrestrial radio. I say “will be” and not “is” because I haven’t listened to the show yet. The show starts at 6am in New York, so right now (almost 8pm in Vancouver) it’s close to over. Yahoo is covering it well though, and as

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Crazy Climbing Russian Guy

Not as cute as the previously posted kitten, this video of a Russian climbing is nuts. The guy is ripped, strong, agile like Jackie Chan, and pretty nuts. Urban bouldering at it’s best. Most impressive. Via Darren Barefoot. This is actually called Parkour, which is basically the art of running and jumping over and around

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