
Well, more hell in my life as far as relationships…. I guess I should be used to it by now. I have had about 2 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours, and man am I screwed up. At work (where I am now), I just keep on sucking down the hot chocolate and coffee and wish […]

11/29/96 Read Post »


Well, my birthday was yesterday. It was OK I guess. Another year, some more stuff, and now I can drink legally everywhere. unfortunately, I don’t drink that much so that is inconsequential. Got a C+ on both my English essay and presentation. A B- on my midterm. Not bad, I guess. Better than I thought. Oh yea, put

11/18/96 Read Post »


Just put another pic of me on my “about me” page. Hope it doesn’t scare you 🙂 Tooo much work 🙁 School, job etc. I’m heading for burn out on a rocket slid on rails… or something like that. Actually it is kind of nice to have the stress back — it’s like an old friend. Spent a

11/15/96 Read Post »


Well, I am “officialy” single again. Don’t know what to think about that. My parents came back from Mexico yesturday. I had the joy of picking them up from the airport (1 hour drive). They brought me back some nice T-Shirts and an awsome Mexican Blanket. On Tuesday I’m going to meet one of my

11/3/96 Read Post »