
Well, I finally got around to redoing this page a little… how does it look? The logo at the top, and the background gradient were whipped up in photoshop while at work. Speaking of work, it’s been slow here lately… kinda nice. The realtors are either slowly dying off (a fantasy of mine) or going […]

7/18/97 Read Post »


My Siamese Fighting Fish died yesturday 🙁. Don’t know why, he was really perky the night before, and I cleaned his bowl a couple of days before that. Now I’m down to two goldfish. On a slightly happier note, Pixie (Monique, a friend from #north) has been out here, and Darren, Brian, LLau and I

5/9/97 Read Post »


Ok… it’s been a while. I moved my homepage to my new provider, as my Mindlink account runs out soon. Going to try to get people (the millions that visit here every day) used to the new address. Uhmm… my car got broken into again a while ago, here is what was put on my homepage this time:

5/5/97 Read Post »


A couple of random thoughts… http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/3105 [archive link] is a funny site. Visit it 🙂 Laundry. When you are young it seems so complicated… Sunday morning you watch mom collect it all, put it in thousands of piles and then do all sorts of magic on the washer/drier with the little knobs and dials, and a

3/23/97 Read Post »


I took off the message I put on the top of my page yesturday: I hope whoever broke into my car last night dies a slow, horrible, painful, death which involves body parts falling off, and rats gnawing on the bleeding stumps until all that is left is their eyeballs, on which I will happily jump on in

3/16/97 Read Post »


Got up this morning at 6am, got ready for work, my carpool buddy came at the normal time (6:45), and we went into the secure underground parking lot of my building. Lo and behold, my car passenger door had the window pulled down, and the lock opened. My $300 stereo, $100 (el cheapo) amp and possibly more was gone.

3/14/97 Read Post »


Well, lately a whole bunch of stuff has been flying around relationship wise, luckily none of it has been happening to me. Some of the splatters have gotten on me though 🙁, prompting the following thoughts: With each passing day life continues along. Today might be bad, yesturday worse, and tomorrow better. We never know what will happen.

2/24/97 Read Post »


Well, a couple of little things. I almost got in a heated argument with one of my co-workers over a comment he made which totally conflicted with my personal ‘live and let live’ views. I resisted however, as I like (ok, need) my job. I heard a good friend of mine is going to do something stupid. I

1/8/97 Read Post »


Happy new year! My pages seem to have gained popularity, resulting in my account being filled by the log file, resulting in ‘local storage charges’ 🙁 So I’ve moved this section to my other web site.

1/3/97 Read Post »


Haven’t updated for a while, and this is just a minor one anyway… I’m almost finished exams, but unfortunately, instead of studying economics and java and things like that, I’m playing with Linux (the coolest OS in the world). Soon you will be able to access my home computer from this page! Very cool.

12/11/96 Read Post »