
Went climbing yesturday up at Sumas (a tiny crag near us). Darren, Trevor (pali), and I went. Unfortunaly, when I say small, I mean small… probably only 4 or 6 climbs (two of which I helped put up thankyouverymuch). We did 3 of them, then it was heading towards darkness and the mosquitoes were out […]

7/30/97 Read Post »


Well, so much for my last entry’s high note. Being Friday didn’t stop my car from breaking down on the way home (one of the apparently important hoses decided to die, leaving me with nothing in my radiator). So my Friday was spent putting water in the thing, and putting a temporary hose on there,

7/29/97 Read Post »


Well, things seem to be arranged for the Abbotsford Gang’s trip to Calgary. We’ll be leaving on the 21st or 22 or August, and coming back the 25th or 26th. Ok, so not totally arranged 🙂. I am going for sure, as is solas. My SO Pam still has to get the time off work.

7/25/97 Read Post »


Well, I installed IE4 preview 2 on my computer at work today (P75, 16 meg ram)… lets just say that you need more than that. Speaking of Microsoft’s “Minimum” requirements, I saw the minimum for NT 4 Workstation was a 486-33 with 16 meg RAM. Uhmm…… no. Of course, one of my major bitches these

7/23/97 Read Post »


Well, I installed NT 4 over the weekend. Works nice on my P188 with 32 meg RAM. I did crash it this morning though 🙂. My DE200 NIC died over the weekend though… so I was late this morning because I was trying to read manuals, change jumpers, and see if the little light on

7/22/97 Read Post »


Well, I finally got around to redoing this page a little… how does it look? The logo at the top, and the background gradient were whipped up in photoshop while at work. Speaking of work, it’s been slow here lately… kinda nice. The realtors are either slowly dying off (a fantasy of mine) or going

7/18/97 Read Post »


My Siamese Fighting Fish died yesturday 🙁. Don’t know why, he was really perky the night before, and I cleaned his bowl a couple of days before that. Now I’m down to two goldfish. On a slightly happier note, Pixie (Monique, a friend from #north) has been out here, and Darren, Brian, LLau and I

5/9/97 Read Post »


Ok… it’s been a while. I moved my homepage to my new provider, as my Mindlink account runs out soon. Going to try to get people (the millions that visit here every day) used to the new address. Uhmm… my car got broken into again a while ago, here is what was put on my homepage this time:

5/5/97 Read Post »


A couple of random thoughts… http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/3105 [archive link] is a funny site. Visit it 🙂 Laundry. When you are young it seems so complicated… Sunday morning you watch mom collect it all, put it in thousands of piles and then do all sorts of magic on the washer/drier with the little knobs and dials, and a

3/23/97 Read Post »


I took off the message I put on the top of my page yesturday: I hope whoever broke into my car last night dies a slow, horrible, painful, death which involves body parts falling off, and rats gnawing on the bleeding stumps until all that is left is their eyeballs, on which I will happily jump on in

3/16/97 Read Post »