Funny Stuff

The Fine Art of “Noodling”

I don’t remember who I was talking to about this, but they didn’t believe me when I told them about “noodling”, the “art” of catching catfish by sticking your arm in the mud and letting them bit onto you, and then pulling it up. As you can imagine, this is mostly done by… shall we […]

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Great LOLCat

I don’t normally post random LOLcat images here, and reserve that sort of thing for, but this one seemed too good not to share everywhere. It’s funny on so many levels 🙂

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I Just Got The Best Piece of Spam…

Now with ASCII art…. how awesome was it to find this in my inbox just now: From: Stdenny Corning Subject: Nothing can seduce women faster than a… To: Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 19:01:44 +0000 User-Agent: Thunderbird Message-ID: This is yoour penis: 8–o This is yoour penis on drugs: 8=====O Anny questions? [spammy

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Heard today over IM from a sysadmin buddy of mine: Peejay: I think my vacation is going to be hunting down the makers of courier-mta for public executions. […] Peejay: In defence of Courier, it may just be this old version I hate more than life itself.

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“Its windows so you have to use the stupid clicky thing.” — Jim regarding software maintenance “You smell like blood, sweat, and mom’s tears” — J of her Dad (kidding of course)

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Wow, The Primetime Emmys are Lame

Seriously, their humorous little skits in between who-cares awards could really use some work…. I’ve never seen people like John Stewart be so completely un-funny. However, I did find a very funny picture of a mom bird feeding a baby bird to make me feel better. Speaking of TV and movies. Shoot ‘Em Up (trailer)

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Weather Cat

An instruction guide to the weather cat, a simpler version of the weather rock: A dry cat licking your nose first thing in the morning means fair weather. A soaking wet cat licking your nose first thing in the morning means it’s pouring outside. This taken from my personal experience this morning with a very

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