Funny Stuff

Ah, the Joys of Abuse

Looks like Dani likes messing with telemarketters as well… good job. I did something similar a couple of years back. Lately the joy of abusing telemarketing people hasn’t been there, so I just tell them I don’t have a phone and hang up.

Ah, the Joys of Abuse Read Post »

From the GWB War Glossary

From the GWB War Glossary: War On Terror n. A comprehensive marketing strategy to ensure the reelection of George Bush in 2004, by embroiling the United States in war for decades to come. Replaces these previous campaigns: “Compassionate conservative,” “Fiscally responsible,” “Education President,” “He’s really not as dumb as he looks.” Precedes “War is peace.

From the GWB War Glossary Read Post »

Funny Pic

This is so naughty, and yet so funny, I had to share. I don’t particularily agree with the sentiment, but find it amusing at the same time. Passed on by my buddy cfreeze. Warning, there are naughty little seamen when you click the picture….

Funny Pic Read Post »


Quote of the day: <Scutter> i’m going as a BSOD. i’m gonna wear all blue and refuse to leave the house or do anything else. Quote of the day 2: <HomeySan> me dressing as britney spears? I’d spend the entire evening trying to fuck myself =-) Well, DC ended not that interestingly from a development

10/28/99 Read Post »


11:59:59 Ok, so it’s midnight and I’m still up. But as soon as this is done I’m down, I promise. People are really stupid you know. I had a guy wander into #userfriendly [ link] and started a conversation with “asl?” (“Age, Sex, Location?”, the mating call of horny little weenies everywhere looking for some

10/20/99 Read Post »