Funny Stuff

Attitudes on Unix

Been talking to Steve regarding Windows vs. Linux, and he included the following and said “This quote pretty much sums up my attitude towards Unix…” “I liken starting one’s computing career with Unix, say as an undergraduate, to being born in East Africa. It is intolerably hot, your body is covered with lice and flies, […]

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Afternoon Funnies

A couple of things I’ve passed by this morning on my run through websites I wanted to share. In no particular order: Todays Penny Arcade. Anyone who has had passing lust with Apple or Apple products knows what this is about. For reference here are some of the earlier Chuck cartoons. Todays userfriendly (again, read

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Why I Love the Internet

Searching for pictures of midget loving donkeys for Muckhead on I managed to find a page on Getting a Hummer stuck. Interesting result for a search for “midget fuck“. I think my buddy Raskal would be interested in this too (the hummer, erhm… big jeep, getting stuck, not the midgets and donkeys and other

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Gay Marriage, the Other Side

Lance has an excellent counterpoint to my gay rights post yesterday. The Death of Hamsters examines the reasons why he solidly supports Mr. Bush in his views on gay marriage, the most important point to me being that allowing it will lead to the extinction of humanity, and moose weddings. Found via Tig on another

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XP Install Hell (Not Mine)

Dive into Mark has a hilarious post on the steps to install Windows XP and make it livable (via Jeremy). I wonder if Longhorn will be any better? Personally my experiences haven’t been quite so bad for the install part, but steps 60 and upwards are pretty much accurate. Too bad you can’t just mount

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The Homosexual Agenda

The funniest thing I’ve read lately was on a thread on fark about Texas joining the 20th century in their laws regarding consensual sex by same-sex partners. There was talk about “the homosexual agenda”, and what exactly it was. Fark reader Ant posted the following: 1. Wake up 2. Go to gym to check out

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Mac Zelotry at it’s Finest

(Or, “how I managed to piss of Mac readers of this journal”). On a whim I took a look at this article over at MacSlash, an Apple/Mac news site. The story is about another story on about how Linux’s popularity may hurt Apple more than Microsoft (something I have no opinion or education on,

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