
Thoughts on Revolution OS

As mentioned elsewhere, there was a screening of the movie Revolution OS, a movie about Linux, Free Software, Open Source, and their impact in the business world. It was an interesting movie, mostly interviews with the big wigs of the Linux and Open Source world. Not exactly action filled, but as an examination of a

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Phone Booth Review

MJ has a link to a fantastic review of Phone Booth. I saw it a bit ago and agree with the other reviews various friends have posted. Great movie, a little short, but still worth seeing.

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Bowling for Columbine

Just finished watching Bowling for Columbine and I have to say that Michael Moore is my hero. Basically an examination of why the US has something like 11 thousand deaths by gun every year, and Canada (with similar ethnic mixes, similar or higher number of guns per capita, same taste in music, movies, video games,

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Well, Star Wars Episode 1 rocked. There’s been a lot of talk on the net lately about if it sucked, how it sucked, how it rocked, etc, and here is my short and sweet review: Too many computer animated critters, amazing lightsaber battles, good story, great lead in for Episode II. I say (to those

05/25/99 Read Post »


5 Days to GO!Yes, that’s right folks, only 5 days to go before the premiere of Star Wars, The Phantom Menace. Thanks to Zoid, Tiktok and Celt, there are a buch of tickets ready for the 12:15am (the 12:01am show was not in a THX theatre) show. I’m so so hyped. Screw the critics, forget

05/13/99 Read Post »


Well, I just got back from seeing The Devil’s Advocate, starring Keanu Reeves and Al Pachino. This is my review of the movie. How incredibly DISTURBING!Now don’t get me wrong, it is an excellent movie, with a good plot, and well played characters, and all that shit, but it’s just… well, disturbing. I can’t say exactly

11/14/97 Read Post »