
Saw Serenity

Went out and saw my first movie in ages last Friday. Very nifty movie, and I think it stood relatively well on it’s own if you weren’t a fan of the Firefly series. Obviously you get a better idea of what is going on, however I’ve only seen one or two Firefly episodes, and enjoyed

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Watched Red Dragon

Just finished watching Red Dragon. Shouldn’t’ve, but it was on, and my inspiration to do work on this project that is getting close to done was low, so I gave in. Dammit. Not a bad show, prequel to Silence of the Lambs. Anthony Hopkins great of course as Lecter, doing that whole not-blinking thing he

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LOTR Movie Night Plans

For anyone planning a Lord of the Rings Movie night, someone on slashdot has setup a schedule. 11 and a half hours of movie is a long time to sit. Of course, seeing the trailer (quicktime) for the new +50 min Return of the King makes me think it’d be ok.

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New Climbing Movie Coming Out

A trailer for Touching The Void, a book I read a while back is out. It’s by Joe Simpson and is a story of his survival on an alpine climbing expedition. He has another book called This Game of Ghosts which is also good, but seems to degenerate into “I know this guy, but he’s

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A Dismal Movie Future

Went to see Terminator 3 today with FlameDragon…. pretty decent movie actually, better than I expected. Good ending, nice plot twists, good action, and that was pretty much all I expected. Coming out of the theatre I saw some of the posters for coming attractions. Shrek 2 – cool Lord of the Rings: Return of

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