
Casino Royale Review

I ended up seeing the late show of Casino Royale on Friday night, while doing my best to beat back the oncoming cold that knocked me out all weekend and leaves me home today from work (though still somehow working). I have to say I haven’t been to a movie in a while, and this […]

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A Good WW1 Flying Movie?

I’ve always loved WWI planes and related, WWI flying movies such as The Blue Max…. looks like they are seeing if they can do it again with this age’s advanced CGI… I saw a trailer for a new movie called Flyboys, based on a true story (well, technically “inspired by a true story” which means

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Dear Motion Picture Industry

Dear Motion Picture Industry. Thank you. Thank you for putting me on the path to the rightous, legal citizen. Thank you for showing me the light. Let me explain… The other night I went to see your excellent movie XMen 3 – The Last Stand. After getting to the theatre 30 minutes early, playing $13.00

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Walk the Line Review

Finished watching Walk the Line today, the movie about Johnny Cash‘s life. Great movie. Not great on the level of Spiderman or a really kick ass action movie, but great for a drama and a “human” story. I completely understand why Joaquin Phoenix was nominated for the Award, and why Reese Witherspoon won. I loved

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Friday Movie Reviews

Last friday Firefly and I headed into the depths of downtown Vancouver to hang out with my buddy Shawn and watched a couple of movies. Other than getting home at half past 2am, it was a nice relaxing night. We watched a couple of movies, one I saw before, one I hadn’t. Æon Flux I

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A Free Idea for the MPAA

The MPAA has long been bitching about the evil internet pirates stealing from their movies instead of going to a theatre, spending $15 on a ticket, $20 on popcorn and a drink, sitting for a half hour waiting for the movie to start watching ads, then watching another 3-7 ads once the lights go down,

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Kong Koming Kuickly

So King Kong opens this week, actually technically at midnight tonight, and people seem to love it. Whos with me for an outing friday? Any of the gang up for a trek to some theatre to gorge on popcorn and watch Peter Jackson’s latest flick?

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Narnia Offensive?

My $ex-boss gilgamesh has a good thought or three on an article about how offensive the movie Narnia – The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe is to non-christians, and how they will need a ‘sickbag’ handy at the religious undertones. First of all I believe that this woman, Polly Toynbee has written this article

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My Doom The Movie Experience

Well I saw Doom last night. I knew it was going to be bad, and I went anyway, and it was great(ly bad) 🙂 Don’t go in there expecting anything more than a fun space romp, monsters jumping out at you, a storyline thinner than uhmm… something really thin, and big guns blowing stuff up.

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