
Watching the Bandwidth Clock

Argh! Ever since I got the call about excessive bandwidth use I’ve been watching my use on the shaw secure site very carefully. It’s only the 12th and I’m already at 15 of the 20G I’m allowed before they come over here and beat me up with baseball bats. I was doing kinda ok but […]

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On Irony and Guns

I was at the gym the other day, on the treadmill and watching the TVs on the wall. I was watching a report out of Seattle on KOMO or KIRO or one of the US TV stations. The report started out talking about an armed home invasion followed by a car jacking, just blocks away.

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The Bandwidth Call

So yesterday I got “The Call” from Shaw cable. Apparently they were a bit concerned over my bandwidth use lately. I peaked in December with 117G combined upload and download, 90 in January, and 68 last month. Seems hey have a limit of 20 Gigabytes of combined (combined!) upload and download traffic before you get

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Snow Crash and The Near Future

A while ago I was muttering about how things that used to look far in the future are now looking closer and closer. Mars, the deep sea, advances in computers and technology that we looked at in movies are suddenly much, much closer to reality. In the car I’ve been listening to an audiobook of

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The Agony and the Irony

I know it’s comparing apples to oranges, but I came across a couple of interesting things in the paper at lunch today that sort of conflicted with each other. The first was reader responses to what sounded like your standard “violent video games make people go out and kill people” bullshit article. I really don’t

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Gym Blah

The gym today was blah. You know that feeling you get after a good workout, a really good workout, where you’re just on the verge of puking and your body is just screaming at you to sit your ass down and not move anymore? I kinda felt like that from the start of the workout.

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LAN Party Fun

Saturday was a mostly relaxing day, intersprinkled with much swearing and blowing of people up. We headed over to Jason’s place in Surrey around 10 or 11 or something and had a good day of geeking and blowing things up. I also discovered that I can fit a 19″ monitor in the backseat of my

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