
What Babies Are For

I’m convinced that babies are actually bait for women. One of the girls from work left to have a baby and she came back here for a shower or something. Anyway, the second she walked into the main area of the upper floor it seemed that every single female from within the building converged on

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Movies, Meetups, and Munchies

It was a long weekend not in days off, but in sheer hours spent awake. On friday a friend came over and we watched a couple of movies. Jeepers Creepers II is a horror movie only in the loosest sense. Even watched at midnight with all the lights out and a few beer in me

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Where Did the Weekend Go?

Wow, sunday night already. It barely feels like the weekend started, but I guess lying around sick will do that. I actually feel a lot better tonight, almost human again. Still wouldn’t mind two days off when I wasn’t sick, but such is life I guess. I even managed to get a few things done

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Sick. Blah. Bah.

sniff Looks like I got whatever has been going around, I’ve been sniffing, sneezing, coughing, and leaking what I can only assume is brain matter from my nose. Not fun at all. Mucho thanks to $boss for allowing me to go home a bit early on Friday. Spent last night and today feeling miserable and

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This Modern World

It’s really cool to see things that are happening in the world today. Sure, it’s not the world of meals in a pill, personal helicopters, and having information deposited directly into the brain that I remember reading in the books from the 50s and 60s, but it’s still pretty neat. We have robots that can

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Fending off the Sick Demons

I hope I’m not coming down with what Firefly has had for the last week. She’s almost back to normal and I spent today with a bit of a sore throat and coughing/sneezing more than normal. Hopefully my resiliant genes will keep this evil sick away from me. At least it’s almost the weekend so

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Come Back Snow!

Well, the snow here started around 9, looked bad, the office shut down around 10:30 and people were sent home to work. I got home and immediately ran out for two space heaters to warm the apartment up before the big dump actually came. Snow stopped a couple of hours from then and spitted and

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What A Day!

Had a lan party today. Due to short notice and the snow and cold (-12 apparently!) not that many people show up. A few do, and had some good fragging fun. Unfortunately, I drank more pop (3 cans?) than I have in probably years, and I still have a buzz on now, even at 2am.

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