More Snow
Maybe my dream of snow will come true this winter! It’s been snowing all day today, small tiny flakes, but still, it’s starting to stick.
Maybe my dream of snow will come true this winter! It’s been snowing all day today, small tiny flakes, but still, it’s starting to stick.
Amidst the wacky dreams I had last night was the nagging thought that I had, at some point, heard Firefly say “well, it snowed last night.” Much of my morning consisted of rolling over to get the sun from glaring directly into my face (without disturbing the cats that were surrounding me like the good
Spent the last couple of hours updating my MovableType archives from my old page. I got from midway through december 1999 to the end of February 2000 done. Basically boring and repetative. Have a text editor (KDE’s kate, so I can use fish://) on one monitor, a web browser in the other, select text, copy,
Filling in the Archives Read Post »
Since I am not asleep yet, this is still legally Christmas. Got back a bit ago from my parents where we had a bout of presents, great food, and a nice relaxing time. After getting home it wasn’t long before a Christmas miracle came true. Snow, white snow poured…. oh, wait a minute, it was
Ayup, it’s almost here again. Still doesn’t feel like it, as it’s been balmy and a bit wet here all day, and no chance of snow in the future. Oh well… the presents have been wrapped up, the “tree” mostly set up, and most things prepared for tomorrow and the following days. I’m still undecided
No matter how loud stores blare Christmas music, if I can walk around outside comfortably in shorts and a shirt, it doesn’t feel like Christmas. On the other hand, aside from wrapping, I think that my Christmas shopping is all done before the 24th for the first time in recent memory. Go me!
See, this is what happens when no one is around to remind me it’s really late and I should get my butt into bed so I can attempt to catch more than 5 hours sleep before work tomorrow… erhm.. today.
This Late Already? Read Post »
Apparently my Christmas wish list brought great amusement to my parents. I suppose that having items you’re asking for to have a combined cost of the GNP of a small country could be considered amusing. Bah, some people have no sense of humour 🙂
Parental Amusement Read Post »
Ok, anyone wondering what wonderful bits to get me, look no farther! Rio Karma (20G) for day to day use Rio Cali (256mb version) for the gym (Wow just did a currency conversion, and even with the exchange it’s about $100CND cheaper to buy this in the states (assuming the $169USD pricetag seen on
Alan’s Christmas Wish List Read Post »
Just got back from town doing some looking around at various things, the biggest being a new cordless phone. Even with a full nights charge our current one lasts about 30 seconds before it starts it’s low battery beeping, so we went to look for a new phone. Could have gotten a new battery, but
Christmas Has Started Read Post »