Random Stuff

Random Acts of Flowers

Darren Barefoot is for collecting donations to help pay for the cost of sending flowers to random couples (gay and straight) in San Fransisco. It’s a pretty cool idea, and many thanks to Darren for recognizing the problem with delivery cost and helping to fix it. On a similar note, Kethryvis pointed out this website

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F-16 Ejection Footage and Pics

Wow, the image of the day today is of an F-16 Thunderbird pilot just as he ejects. The info link has video and other pics. Oh, and UFies appears to be crashed/halted/offline. Great. Probably the box is getting scared because today it has to go home. I’m sure it’ll be rebooted soon and come up

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Weblogs in Another Language

Through a post on Nat.org I ran through Katrin.is. I’d say that she’s a very interesting person, with an interesting life, but I’d only be half sure. Seeing as I don’t read Icelandic it was a bit hard to figure out exactly what was going on. However, it was pretty neat to try. Going purely

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Impressive Managerial Service

I don’t know if I should be surprised or impressed or not, but I have to say I was happy to get a call this afternoon from my building manager saying he’d gotten the request for work order I had dropped off (around 10 the night before, dropped off to the local building manager, the

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More Forensic Analyis

To go with Dana’s presentation /. linked to a good article on analyzing a spam compromise where a machine was attacked and used to send spam. This article goes through the detection and analysis. Very interesting!

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New Spam Tactic

This is new…. providing useful information in spam. I just got an email with the following: Subject: Broken link in www.arcterex.net There appears to be a problem on this page of your site.   On page http://www.arcterex.net/news-to-98.html   when you click on “me”,   the link to http://www.arcterex.net/alan@northco.net   gives the error: Not found.   Suggestion: You may have forgotten

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Ease in Vacuuming

When I saw Richie’s post about how he got an automated roomba Robotic Floorvac I was interested… get ’em at costco, not clean, heck, it does hardwood it says, so I could let it loose in the apartment and not worry about dust and cat hair…. But then I read about how smart they are

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