Random Stuff

The 800lb Gorilla Theory

<a href=”href=”http://www.dynamicobjects.com/d2r/”>Diego has a great quote that I couldn’t help repeating here in his latest bout of Microsoft love (well, not really). […]So, news flash, Microsoft: you are not the underdog. You are not even the proverbial 800-pound Gorilla. You are the only Gorilla left because all the other Gorillas are dead and you have

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On Britney Spears

Was flipping channels tonight and saw a bit of the “countdown” to Ms. Spears new video. While waiting for this no doubt earth shattering even they have other videos of hers and interviews. I was struck while watching one of these interviews by how…. oh what’s the word…. “vacant” she is. Sorry B, while there

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My Law of Technology

The problem with any sufficiantly useful network technology is that it will be used to distribute porn and warez. — Arc’s laws of the internet. The corollary to this of course, would be something about getting your ass shut down and then sued by the RIAA or MPAA.

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Lets Sue Everybody!

Just saw this story while watching CNN while delaying doing some bookkeeping. Basically a 12 year old girl was hit by a drunk driver and was paralyzed. A very sad story, my heart goes out to her parents. They of course, sued… but they didn’t sue the drunk driver who hit them. No, they sued

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Multi Monitor Heaven

Found it! this picture is the one I was talking about when I mentioend multiple monitors. It’s real, not fake, using a technology that allows you to link up slave computers for displaying graphics. No idea what the website is, as this isn’t the place I originally saw the pic. There’s some other funny stuff

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Aerogel is Cool

A guy here at work brought in a small sample of Aerogel, a material that is 99.8% air, incrediably light, works as an insulator, and is the lightest known manmade solid. It is designed for the space program to aid in the collection of space dust. It’s so light and translucent it almost isn’t there,

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Christian Views on Sexual Ethics

An interesting site with a Christian’s thoughts on sex, dating and a mess of other stuff. Not my point of view, but interesting reading nontheless, as among other things, they pose a lot of questions like “Are there certain texts that are cultural and thus don’t apply to those of the 21st century?”

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