Random Stuff

The PhatBox Car MP3 Player

The PhatBox even has voice control and feedback (ie: speaking the names of artists as you scroll through them). Horribly geeky and expensive, but the demo makes it seem pretty nifty. Oh, and I’m finding it (or other musical devices) just in time for the ArcterBirthday! Yes, I know I don’t have a hope.

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Meet People

Lance has a great post about meeting people and how to identify other interested parties. He came up with The Inqueery Gesture, a shoulder shrug (SYN) followed by the confirmation by lip lick (SYN,ACK) or denial by scowl (NAK). Nothing to close the handshake like sequence though, maybe walking away could represent the final FIN.

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More Stupid Advertising

Do people really fall for this shit? Just for a lark I loaded up a link from spam that got through my spam filter. The subject was funny as well, holy pretend-techspeak: “ISP Alert – Ticket ID: 1638505610 – Type(t)“. Sounds pretty fucking important huh? If they could have made the subject line a different

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The Perfect Cup Of Tea

A slashdot article pointed to where The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (website) has some great tips on how to get the best cup of tea. The article notes that Harrods Blend 42 Earl Grey is the best type out there, and I personally have loved Twinning Earl Grey (loose, not that bagged crap) since

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On Gay Rights

LMB has a really good article and links on gay rights and thoughts on what makes it such an issue. I have to agree that I’m with him in the “who the fuck cares” category.

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Oh man, the freaks out there scare me more than ever. Just saw this in my webserver logs: – – [28/Jul/2003:11:09:02 -0700] “GET /blog/archives/2002/12/18/cats_in_heat.html HTTP/1.0” 200 39816 “http://search.yahoo.com/search? p=ways+for+cats+to+masturbate+you&ei=[…]” “Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Win98; U)” (Edited so it doesn’t make the browser do that ugly horizontal scroll thing, but not to protect the IP of the

Freaks! Read Post »