Random Stuff

Free Airshow in Chilliwack

Cool, thanks to DB and Shaggy for pointing out, and then passing on info about, the Chilliwack Flight Fest, a free airshow featuring the snowbirds, a BBQ, skydiving and stuntplanes, all for free admission. I’m in, and the weather looks to be great. Anyone else want to come along?

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Creating a Community

There is a big debate going on in the blog community about the format of site syndication. It seems that some are trying to keep the old formats, and there’s all sorts of argument about the new (proposed) format. Tig had some good comments on this. I personally don’t care one way or the other,

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Some Random Morning Things

I’m later than usual this morning so here are some things I don’t want to forget Hilarious video – work safe, funny, asf format. http://www.skadz.com/junt – has two amusing posts at the top. Will have to check back and peruse the rest of the site. Hi. I’m black! looks good as well, found via a

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BC Allows Same Sex Marriages

And about time too. I’m glad that BC has decided to join the couple of other provinces out there that have decided to lift the ban on same sex marriages. Good for BC. As I understand it same sex couples pay their taxes as if they were married, but don’t actually get any of the

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Garibaldi Grad 1993 Site is Up

In case anyone is looking (and based on my logs, at least a couple are), the currently minimul website for my 1993 grad class from Garibaldi Senior Secondary in Maple Ridge is up at http://garibaldigrad93.com Not much content there yet, but I figure this’ll help things get indexed by the search engines. “Go Garibaldi Rebels!”

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Blogs from Space

Too cool. Pointed to by jwz, a NASA space cowboy is sending letters from the International Space Station. They sound a bit like science lessons, and not a lot like actual blogging, but still very cool to see words written by someone hundreds of miles above us, travelling at 18,000 mph. From the site: While

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Acceptable Dress Code

The Liberty University Female Dress Code amuses me. Lets make sure that women aren’t allowed to show anyone they are women. The issue of modesty page is good too. Apparently you can dress any way you want unless you’re claiming to be godly. I wonder if the degree of modesty from biblical times is the

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