Random Stuff

Cute Kitten Overload

Thanks to my buddy FootNote for fulfilling my cute kitten picture quota for the day. And then some. Of course, if you really want you can go and search for them and maybe even find something like this.

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Stupid Descriptions

Who the hell writes these things up. I hit the Futureshop website and see they are having a sale, and look through things. In there is a not horrible deal on a 120 G drive ($169 after a $90 rebate). In the description of the drive I see this: … Store 1800 high resolution digital

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On Geeks and Business

Yohimbe sent me this livejournal entry talking about geeks and business and VC and whatnot. “Poorly written, undocumented crap appears on the surface to operate exactly the same as great code. During the demo, at least. And thats all that management ever noticed.”

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Survivor 6, Jenna Wins

Good wrap up Erik! The only thing with this last survivor (I haven’t watched it since the first one) is how do you choose the winner? Do you do it on who played the game best, who was the nicest perso, who needs the money most, who do you like better….. It’s such an open

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It Could Be Worse

My life could be worse, I could be doing the sysadmin gig for the clueless like Derek. I have had similar things happen while a programmer dealing with mostly clueful but some clueless QA people, and even more so back in the bad old days as a tech support bob. I remember being emailed an

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People are Stupid

Erik has realized what I have been saying for years Regular People are Stupid. Welcome to the club dude. I’ve been saying for years that “It’s all right to be filled with hate, people are stupid” (years of tech support for realtors), and I hold by that it’s true. He’s got some good points on

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Random Thoughts

Where are all these trucks and SUVs coming from with the turn light on the side mirrors? It seems in the last three days I’ve seen more of them than I have… well…. ever. Coding in one’s undies is a right that every contract programmer is granted at birth. Similar, but not quite, the same

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