Random Stuff


Canucks almost made it, but they couldn’t pull the golden horseshoe out for the second time. They were down 3-1 and got one a few minutes from the end of the last period, and the last two minutes were absolute nail-biters, with the guys fighting hard, up to the last second, and coming so close, […]

Almost…. Read Post »

A Caffinated Morning

Apparently staying up till 2am isn’t as easy as it used to be. I am working on the project for the DesignerGuys, and it’s going either really well, or not well, I’m not sure which. The majority of the work should (should) consist of 6 pages that are virtually identical in function and content. I’ve

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On the Road

Well, MJ of goingcanuck.com has put his notice in and will be on the road to here soon it sounds like. Definately a scary thing, but it looks like there’s preparation there, so fear not!

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Sushi Making

Well, Silverstr wants to make sushi…. not as easy as it sounds though. Firefly and I tried this a while back with a sushi making kit, but you need a fine hand to get the inner bits tiny enough, the rice the right consistancy (and not gross tasting), etc etc etc…. overall it was a

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Oh Yea…

Just remembered the other funny part of Bowling for Columbine that I mentioned yesterday… they were interviewing someone from Lockheed Martin, the primary employer in Littleton Texas (where Columbine High School is) and asking him if he thought there might be some connection between kids seeing all their parents working on missles and bombs and

Oh Yea… Read Post »

Survivor Thoughts

Robin had a great review of Survivor on her site. Pretty much how I feel, and pretty accurate. I’ve been avoiding it since the first season, but I have $10 riding on Jenna (the swimsuit model) in the office pool, and winning $150 or whatever is enough to keep me watching. It seems like my

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Boobs for Troops

While Silverstr is impressed with the patriotic babes, I must say I was more impressed by Madman‘s show of solidarity with Boobs for Trooptrax, and the results (not safe for work).

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Trading Spaces Fan Fiction

Here’s a link for my dear Firefly… Trading Spaces Fan Fiction. Firefly and the rest of the raging TS fans will hopefully appreciate this, unless it’s got erotic gay encounters between all the designers…. or worse yet, hetero encounters between the raging gay designers and the hosteses… hmm… maybe I should start writing more stories.

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Rant Vindication

Cool, scott, of feedster fame (the new RSS/Blog search engine) mentioned my rant on VB and it’s suckage. He’s up to some neat stuff, search RSS feeds (which I still need todo). I also discovered “Surf*Mind*Musings – Bits and bytes from Andyed which is a blog with some nifty thoughts and links.

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