Random Stuff

Great Quote

From Brad’s .signature: “‘Go on, George!’ I yelled with the courage that comes from being on the far end of the rope.” — Edmund Hillary Man I want to go climbing again all of a sudden… (no, this isn’t the entry I told you to watch for)

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Recreating classmates.com

Playing with the RSS search engine formerly known as Roogle and searched for high school reunion (to see if it had grabbed my update from last night) and discovered an interesting post from a guy wanting to do basically what I’ve been thinking of doing, a contact place for the high school reunion. There are

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Drinking Driving Laws

Watching TV tonight they had a man on the street interview question of “are the drinking driving laws tough enough”. Most answered no, and one guy said that they were fine, because people are going to drink and drive no matter what. Sadly, I think he was probably quite true. I don’t think people go

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What Color Dragon Are You

Saw that Silv took a dragon color quiz and decided to try it out. Apparently I’m green. A GREEN Dragon Lies Beneath! I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a Green Dragon on the inside. My Inner Dragon is the embodiment of Nature and the Earth. Greens spend almost all

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Good to the Last Arcterex

Well, just doing a bit of surfing and found an Advertising Slogan Generator. Amusing to play with, and put in different words for. Today was more training. We went from marketting yesterday to advertising and accounting today. I’m learning lots, but I couldn’t help think back to my accounting classes at UCFV when they started

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