
Averted Apple Rant

Dammit, I had a great rant all prepared about what Dan pointed out about the movie trailers on the Apple Trailers page now requiring iTunes, but it seems to have reverted back to the “normal” (movies open in your web browser as expected) except for one “itunes exclusive” trailer. Damn. New Day After Tomorrow trailer

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Debian Release Delayed

So the latest release of debian was delayed (and pushed back into possibly 2005) due to some changes in the debian social contract. While I applaud the debian guys for their steadfast determination to let nothing stand in the way of free software, it’s getting a bit nuts. Part of the changes (as I read

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Sunrun Time

Mom just called to let me know that my run yesterday in the Sunrun (results posted online tomorrow) was 68 minutes, with a placing of 18,495. Not quite as good as last year but none to shabby if I do say so myself, especially with no training and coming off a weeklong cold. Watching the

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Powerbook Update

Well, the latest word is “Monday”. All I can say is “I’ll believe it when I see it” 🙂 I guess in a way anticipation does make the heart grow fonder, or something like that. Sadly I can’t blame $newboss, as he’s waiting for his new computer as anxiously as myself and $othercoder are. Oh

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Well, I’m home again. Left this morning around nine and arrived home in the time it takes to drive to Abby from Whistler. Wee… Will update on what happened, although it wasn’t much. Thanks for the suggestions on what to do with the old laptop. Turns out they were pretty much in vain sadly. I

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Canadian Morning Tradition

Last night I got some work done on the code project I’m currently trying to get out of the way. No mod_perl, no embedded perl, just straight CGI (and php, but I don’t want to start re-learning a new technology when the project is due on monday). I forgot how horrible it was. sigh. Guess

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Confusion about World Opinion

I wrote the following up in response to my buddy foz‘s questions about the opinions around the world about the war. I posted it as a comment to his BLOG but felt it was a decent bit of writing about how I feel about it so I thought I’d include it below. It basically boils

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